Globally Just Leadership Teaching Learning Community – Personal Values Assessment

Globally Just Leadership – Personal Values Assessment

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Values guide how we make decisions, behave, and choose large or small steps in life. We often feel most at ease and cared for when we live in a community and country that reflect many of our personal values. In addition, most of us have a sense of when we feel aligned or misaligned with our own values and/or with the values of those around us.

During 2012 the Barrett Values Centre, a global values assessment company, collaborated with the UK Office for National Statistics and the charity Action for Happiness to conduct a major study into the values held by people in the UK as a whole, with separate breakdowns for people in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and nine different regions in England. The ‘UK National and Community Values Assessment 2012’ questioned 4000 people living in the UK to discover the values most important to them personally, the values they currently perceive are operating in the nation overall and in their individual communities or breakdown areas, and the values they would like to experience in the nation and their local communities. Those results were shared with the government in mid January and released to the public on 24 January 2013.

Four key messages emerged from the summary report. First, the personal values of UK citizens show that meaningful relationships are vitally important to them. Next, when asked about their direct experience of life in their local communities, UK citizens paint a predominantly positive picture. Third, when asked about their perceptions of life in the nation, they paint a far more challenging picture. Finally, the desires and priorities of UK citizens for their communities and the nation reflect the essence of their personal values.

Over time I can share more detailed information that might stimulate exciting dialogues about what comes next. For now, please feel free to take your own personal values assessment (pva) at no cost. Go to OR to and click on ‘Products and Services’, then on Personal Values Assessment (PVA). Follow the instructions, and you’ll complete the assessment in about five minutes. Within 5-10 additional minutes, you’ll receive an email with an 8-page pdf attachment showing your results and providing some interesting links. Enjoy.

MaryCatherine Burgess
L.P.C Research Fellow in School of Health in Social Science,
The University of Edinburgh Medical School,
Teviot Place, Doorway
6 Edinburgh EH8 9AG

4 February 2013

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