Get Involved in our Fair Trade Academic Network

Get Involved in our Fair Trade Academic Network

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The University of Edinburgh’s Fair Trade Academic Network (FTAN) is looking for new academic staff and PhD student members from any discipline, interested in examining questions fairness in trade from a broad range of perspectives.

What is FTAN?

The University of Edinburgh’s Fair Trade Academic Network (FTAN) has been set up to encourage and facilitate interdisciplinary inquiry into questions of fairness in trade. FTAN is coordinated by Professor Tim Hayward, Director of the Just World Institute, with the support of Liz Cooper, Fair Trade Coordinator. We are a Fairtrade University, in a Fair Trade Nation, a status announced on 25th February 2013, yet further investigation is needed into what these terms could or should mean in terms of policy and practice, among other issues. FTAN is not just about fair trade certification systems, but about broader ideas of justice and fairness in global trade.

For more details on our remit, current members, and activities, see our new FTAN web pages, housed within the Just World Institute.

Fair Trade Academic Network website

FTAN activities

In 2013, we have held two FTAN events: ‘What’s Fair about Fair Trade?: Insights from Senegal and India’, by Liz Cooper on 31st January, and ‘Negotiating the meaning of fair trade: The case of Malawian rice in Scotland’, by Dr Alastair Smith on 28th February. We have launched a Fair Trade Dissertation Prize for the academic year 2013/14. We have begun collating information on teaching and research at Edinburgh relating to fairness in trade. Professor Tim Hayward has written a blog piece on why it is intellectually respectable and worthwhile to carry out research on and teach about fair trade.

How to get involved

We are looking for new members (academic staff and also PhD students) from any discipline, to take part in workshops and research collaborations over the coming year(s).

Contact to be added to the network.

We are also looking for research papers by Edinburgh academics, and information on taught courses, that touch on issues of fairness in trade, to include on our website.

All are welcome to sign up to our new FTAN mailing list

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